Cloud-Native Development

CCW02 Build Serverless, Full Stack Applications in Azure


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate

Anna Hoffman

Data & Applied Scientist, SQL Server/Azure SQL


Learn how to create, build, and deploy modern full stack applications in Azure leveraging the language of your choice (Python, Node.js, or .NET) and with a Vue.js frontend. Topics covered include modern database capabilities, CI/CD and DevOps, backend API development, REST, and more. Using a real-world scenario of trying to catch the bus, you will learn how to build a solution that leverages Azure SQL Database, Azure Functions, Azure Static Web Apps, Logic Apps, Visual Studio Code and GitHub Actions.

You will learn:

  • How to build multi-service solutions and full stack apps in Azure which leverage Azure SQL Database
  • About designing serverless APIs in any language with Azure Functions
  • How to create and leverage GitHub Actions to build CI/CD for Azure static web applications and Azure services